St. Andrew's Craft and Bake Sale November 7, 2015


Sponsored by the Women of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
1801 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

Saturday, November 7, 2015
8:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.

We will have craft vendors inside and outside and yummy baked goods for sale too!
There will be a raffle with great prizes.

If you would like to reserve a space to sell your craft,
please call Kathy Clifford at 904-221-1763 for details.

Don't miss out on the FUN!

Register now for the DIAKONIA program

The diakonia™ is a program of lay spiritual formation that includes a two year process of training and theological education. Click on the link below to read more about the program.

The process occurs in three basic ways:

  • by thorough grounding in the classic seminary disciplines of practical, systematic, historical and Biblical theology; 
  • by identifying and encouraging particular skills in ministry; by providing spiritual growth through worship, retreats, and a supportive community of fellow students and instructors. 

These are the tools diakonia uses to help equip God’s people for service in parish and neighborhood ministries. The primary theme and focus of the diakonia experience is found in this word of Scripture: “Let the one who would be great among you be your servant (diakonos).” 

Registration ends September 8th, please contact Steering Committee Chair, Joel Rentz at 813-681-3006 or, or Kathy Richardson, Treasurer at 904-292-4559 or for more information.

Experience, Encouragement, Empowerment

Women's Spiritual Retreat 2015 
                  Friday 7:00 p.m. on September 25th - Sunday 27th after lunch

                                         "Healing Our Anger"

Registration Fee: $65
Lodging/Food: $120